My 2015 is a roller coaster year. Some ups and some downs.

Good #

Some good stuffs that happened are

Not so good #

Some not so good stuffs that happened

Articles #

Like 2014, I happen to read awesome stuffs and those are as below.

This one is so good that I have to read it at least one time weekly.

HN #

I happen to spend more time on HN and here are a few particular HN stuffs.

There is a giant list of articles that I’ve sent out for DevDaily, here too.


I have a few things that I hope to (and will try to, as always) do. Here are

People #

And my regards and thanks to the following people, especially for all the fascinating conversation we have had, in no particular order,

That’s about it, I guess. :-)

May your new year be filled with love and joy!


Now read this

Code4Change Myanmar Hackathon 2014

For those of you have no context with the title, there has been event called “Code4Change Myanmar” Hackathon event. It is a 48 hours event with lots of fun, food and experiences. The problems to be solved were presented by the NGOs.... Continue →