My 2015 is a roller coaster year. Some ups and some downs.

Good #

Some good stuffs that happened are

Not so good #

Some not so good stuffs that happened

Articles #

Like 2014, I happen to read awesome stuffs and those are as below.

This one is so good that I have to read it at least one time weekly.

HN #

I happen to spend more time on HN and here are a few particular HN stuffs.

There is a giant list of articles that I’ve sent out for DevDaily, here too.


I have a few things that I hope to (and will try to, as always) do. Here are

People #

And my regards and thanks to the following people, especially for all the fascinating conversation we have had, in no particular order,

That’s about it, I guess. :-)

May your new year be filled with love and joy!


Now read this

What’s happening

What to say ? I remember I have a lot of things to write down before I start to write down. Now, I have no clue where to start writing and what to write. First of all, I was pretty sick. Okay, I am exaggerating. Not pretty bad. However,... Continue →