Code4Change Myanmar Hackathon 2014

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For those of you have no context with the title, there has been event called “Code4Change Myanmar” Hackathon event. It is a 48 hours event with lots of fun, food and experiences. The problems to be solved were presented by the NGOs. Teams were formed among the participants and each team chose a problem.

tldr: Our team won!

When I first heard the announcement of the winners, I was like, “HOLY MEOW, WE WON ?!?!?” . It felt like a dream. But like any other dream, it is time to me wake up and do things that matter more. :-)

To each and every participant, I would like to say that you all are winners. What all of you guys have done and achieved is incredible and amazing!

I am not really proud of winning because we know ourselves more.
I think what we have achieve in the past 48 hours is not bad. To my friends who spent the whole night coding, you guys rock. You guys are truly awesome.
It is more than I had expected but I don’t think there is nothing much to brag about.
More importantly, I learnt some lessons about my weakness, particularly, my indecisiveness. Thus, for me, “I lost more than I won”. I am not gonna tame that. It’s certain that there were things we could have done differently. Too bad we cannot change it back, I will learn my mistakes, not to repeat again and again in the future, and try to be more supportive for others. For my friends, whatever happened happened and life goes on.

Things to learn and change (for me) ,

Things I wish I could have done more,

I cannot speak on behalf of the NilBug but we do will opensource all the work that we have done so that others can help, learn and contribute more. Please stay tuned.

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[ You can see me playing Samurai Siege, if you look carefully :P ]

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I want express my gratitude towards the our amazing gang, Ooredoo, Ideabox, Silicon Straits, World Bank, Proximity Design, the Sponsors, Thiha, (Ko) Ye Myat, Ko Matt, Kaung Htet Zaw, Ko Zaw Min Tin, Ko Thar Htet, Ko Htoo Myint Naung, Ko Myat Min Han, Ko Myint Kyaw Thu, Ko Thura Hlaing, Ko Ravi, Ko Htain Lin Shwe, Ko YLK and Ko Thet Lynn Han. Without you guys, there won’t be today me. You all are the people I look up to and what I wanna be. Thank you for your inspiration, help and mentorship.

To conclude, I know it’s not winning an Oscar or something big but I would like to take this chance to pass a few words , if someone were to ask me. What I want to say is “try hard and work smart”.

And to my younger brothers and sisters, no matter wherever schools/universities you are from, all of your dreams are valid as long as you are trying hard. Regardless of how you end up, aim for the best and the rest will come after you.

Whatever you do, give it your best. Period.

[Special Thanks to Kaung Htet Zaw, Ye Myat, Thiha, Ko TRH and Arkar for proofreading and correcting my terrible English :D]


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